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Birth, inter uterine symbiotic phase and pre-symbiotic phase in life history analysis in hypnosis.


The circle natal phases are perhaps the most important phases in human life and they are key to the further human development. Unfortunately, not many psychotherapy schools dedicate enough time and attention to these phases of life of the patient. Often, when working with the client the therapist is met with a deep conflict that stems from natal phase of life. Many therapists lack proper techniques and knowledge to process these issues with the client. W. J. Meinhold’s Hipnointegrative Psychotherapy of Depth (H.I.I.T) allows these kinds of problems to be resolved. This is why many therapists from variety of schools choose the method as a preferred way of working with the client. At this point, the method is poorly known in UK, but it is practised all over the world (including Switzerland, Germany, USA, Canada, Equator and Poland) with great results.

Developmental phases according to W. Meinhold:

  • conception (includes periods shortly pre and post)

  • pre-natal symbiosis (2-12 week of pregnancy)

  • inter uterine symbiosis (4-9 month of pregnancy)

  • birth

  • oral phase (0-7 months from birth)

  • first maturity (7-28 months)

  • anal phase (28 months- 4.5 years)

  • genital phase (4.5 years- 9 months for girls/12 months for boys)

  • individualisation and separation (7- 12/14 years in peak, it peters out at about 21 years)


The first ‘buttonhole’ of the psycho-genesis


In one of his works, Goethe pointed out that, if we button the first buttonhole in our shirt the wrong way, usually all other buttonholes are buttoned in a wrong way. In this sense prenatal symbiotic phase can be seen as the first buttonhole of the psycho-genesis.

As much as this first buttonhole (unconditional regard and acceptance) is buttoned wrongly, as much the rest of the development will carry the consequences of it (similarly to resolving a maths equation- if we make a mistake once, the mistake will be carried till the end of the calculations). This theory is considered correct in all theories having the psychology of depth as it’s background. Mistakes and deficits from the first phase have the heaviest consequences in relation to any other developmental phases.

  • All developmental phases (buttonholes) that follow symbiotic phase carry the incorrect content (buttons). Every deficit requires to be filled in, even when the appropriate phase wears off. This way the deficits accumulate and displacements (denials), as in order to correct the mistakes from the past, the present is neglected together with the needs of the present phase. This way, eg the first maturity phase, instead of realising the specific needs of this phase, carries unmet needs and longing for meeting the requirements of the symbiotic and oral phase (similarly a fulfilled summer requires a fulfilled winter and spring prior to the summer. If the flowers freeze or bloom too late, there will be no fruits.). If I button the first hole with the wrong button, every other hole will be buttoned with a wrong button. However, in order to button my shirt up, I need to either carry on or correct the mistake that was made early on.

  • The mistake is usually noticed at the stage of the last buttonhole. Psycho-genesis would consider this situation as unfinished separation. The cause of the issues does not belong to the last phase, but have been carried because of the lack of the symbiotic relationship. It is because the only thing that can be separated, is the thing that has been attached in the first place.

  • Excessive focusing on a chosen developmental phase (in our culture oral and anal phases) is a way to compensate for the mistakes of all the phases that we are in denial about or we do not consider as important (in our culture symbiotic, first maturity, genital and individualisation phases). Following the buttonholes parallel, we create an excessive frill by skipping a buttonhole. If most of people have an excessive frill in their shirt, it stops disturbing up and may even become fashionable. All later phases seem to be unfolding in the correct way; however, this is only a pretence. The developmental issues can cause illnesses when we lose capacity to compensate for them, (eg via work- when we lose employment or become retired).

  • In the case of all illnesses, one has to consequently assume that they stem from deficits in the first developmental phase, even, if on the surface, it looks as if they belong to a different phase (eg oral phase in bulimia).   


The above (partial) interpretation of the development is the main theoretical background of Hipnointegrative Psychotherapy of Depth from the point of view of psycho-genesis, pathogenesis and recommendations for the therapy of specific developmental phases.

The therapy is based on:

  • Developmental phases in psychology of depth by Freud and Jung and their followers

  • Embryology, neonatology and paediatrics

  • Old models of mystic knowledge (mythology, alchemy, shamanism) and their new humanistic interpretations (R. Steiner and others)

  • Empirical research of analytically orientated therapies with use of hypnosis in psychology of depth, which contributed to the development of prenatal psychology.

Hypnosis is a bridge connecting humanistic sciences and psychology of depth. This bridge opens the path to unconsciousness: to the spiritual layers of super-consciousness as well as to subconscious psychological layers. Hypnosis is the most direct way of communicating between two humans (client-therapist) and between the layers within the human; from beyond- mind spiritual level, left brain and archaic parts of the brain to ‘consciousness’ of each cell. At the same time, using hypnosis, we can reach client’s deepest layers and imprints, which allows a change according to client’s wish.

Translation from

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